The Good Husband and His Wife
Paul Curtis


The good husband and his wife

Are happy partners in their life

Content in each others company

They live their life quite humbly

Yet come the time of advent

All time and effort is then spent

In the seasonal preparations

Of the coming celebrations

Where the good couple dwelt

Festive odours could be smelt

As special victuals quietly matured

As they cooked and baked and cured

This went on till advent passed

And they had cooked their last

Then the boxes were well packed

To ensure that no one lacked

The boxes were then sent on their way

To be delivered for Christmas day

To the poor and needy of the town

To those that society had let down

But not all was sent on its way

There was plenty kept for Christmas day

When friends and neighbours all

Were invited to the little church hall

Where on that Christmas day

Their bounty was on display

Biscuits, bread and well filled pies

Cakes and sweets of varying size

Roasted meats, fowl and game

Fruits and nuts of every name

And a good time was had by all

At the happy feast at the church hall

The good husband and his wife

The happy partners in each others life

Content in each others company

Sat in the corner quite humbly

Spectators at the feast of their making

Quietly satisfied with their undertaking

Content with their preparations

And happy with the Christmas celebrations


Copyright �Paul Curtis.  All rights reserved. No part of this text may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, in any form, or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of author.


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