The Yule Log


The selection and burning of a Yule Log has been a tradition for centuries and is still upheld by many people, especially in rural areas. In the old days the Yule Log was typically saved for the Christmas supper. A Yule Candle was set on the table, then the log was placed on the fire and the candle lit. From that moment on it no one was allowed to disturb the log or snuff the candle, or even leave the table, for fear that bad luck would ensue. Similarly, a lot of trouble was taken to ensure there was an even number of guests at the table because an odd number would be sure to bring bad luck in the coming year.

In some seafaring regions it was thought to be lucky to save a piece of the Yule log. Many believed that it would protect the owner's house from fire during the ensuing year and in the homes of sailors, a piece thrown on the fire would calm a raging sea.


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